Protecting Your Retirement with Annuities

Harmony is when one instrument makes another instrument sound better. Our goal is to create harmony inside your financial plan and we believe we have found a way to do that with a unique approach to annuities. By combining your investment and tax plan with our unique approach to annuities, we can create harmony by improving returns on retirement assets while minimizing risk.   We can create certainty within your retirement plan without sacrificing flexibility. It’s the sum of the parts that makes our financial plans so power and the unique approach to annuities is a big part of that.

Key facts or information

  • Risk management should include diversification across a broad scope of asset classes, from stocks, bonds and cash to real estate and insurance.

  • Annuities have a history of being costly and deceptive retirement vehicles. They are often hard to understand and have too many moving parts.

  • Annuity and insurance guarantees are tied to long-term interest rates. If interest rates are low, the pricing on your guarantees will be low.

  • Annuities have liquidity restrictions, if you use them they should only represent a manageable portion of your portfolio.

  • Annuities don’t have to be about income, they can be used in a similar way to the bond portion of your portfolio, with increased potential upside.

  • Strategically using annuities the right way can improve the overall risk – return potential of your retirement assets.

Annuity Philosophy

Better understand Arbor's unique annuity philosophy with our free download.

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